Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Just Type Right

Have you ever read an email, and because of the way it was typed, found yourself unable to fully comprehend what it meant? I have. Now, this may be with people more my generation, but it might be older too. I am finding that one of my newest most irksome things on my list is that little "lol" thing. (argh) Following that is one that I don't see as often with the people I speak with, OMG. Oh my gosh. Or whatever else they may say or imply. You can't really tell. I also find that the appearance it gives is not the most smart one in the book. Emails that are littered with mis-spellings, horrible grammar, and "lol"s give the impression of something very worldly. Part of my signature on my emails that I send out is an encouragement to stop living down to the expectations society expects and higher them. I use the words "Just type right", because really that is all it is. The way I look at it, typing with horrible grammar, awful spelling, lol's and the like, (and not caring at all) is a type of conforming. It relates to saying "like" to much. If there is one thing that makes my stomach knot up is hearing a sentence a bit like this : "And he was like, oh my gosh, and I was like, that's not cool, ya know?" Now, I will admit to saying "like" out of context some too. I am working on that currently.

Tell me what you think about this. If I started blogging with "lol"s and "OMG"s or whatever else, would you view it as conforming? I know that "lol" does not say "laugh out loud" to me. What does it say to you? Just curious. I look forward to hearing your responses. Have a blessed weekend all!

Paige ;)


mountainculinaire | Renée said...

Hi Paige, Thanks for sharing that, I agree! I think the standard of English grammar should be kept in all contexts, without creating an internet subculture of language and slang. The internet is one of the most powerful mediums of communication and we should do our best in this venue as much as an other, out of respect to other people and honor to God's gift of words and orderly, clear speech. I have never been able to do any internet or email "things" except sideways smilies:-), partly because I love grammar and writing, and partly because I didn't see any need to change from the proper way of doing things! P.S. December is getting closer!

Arkanblogger Family said...

You put it so well! Thank you for the response. I love writing as well. When it comes to internet communication, "emoticons" are the one thing that I have fun with. The smileys are my favorite. December is getting closer! I can't wait!

Paige ;)

mountainculinaire | Renée said...

Did you know that September 24th is National Punctuation Day? I hope it means proper punctuation and not the new internet kind where anything goes...

Arkanblogger Family said...

I didn't. That is very interesting. It had better be proper punctuation, or else having a punctuation day would seem quite pointless :)


Anonymous said...

Ya'll have fun at the film festival, ya hear? We hope to see some photos posted...

Arkanblogger Family said...

Will do, Bryce. I would like to hear you do a southern accent when we visit in December. I, personally cannot pull it off and make it convincing :)
