This is an update, showing the cake as described below...from last year. I'm looking for the "7 year" cake and will post when found. They were both very good but in the end, probably not very good for you. That's Collin's friend, Jared on the right. Both a year younger.
It is 12:36 a.m. and I am looking forward to about 5 good hours of undisturbed sleep. I have actually been helping Mrs. Arkanblogger in the kitchen this evening, making a rice krispie rocket, whilst Mrs. A. made chocolate cupcakes for the cake purists at the party tomorrow. The rocket will be about 2 feet tall with a nose cone and 3, maybe 4 fins. It's made completely from kosher marshmallows and rice krispies. Fun stuff. 7 is a good year for the young master and we're looking forward to celebrating at his party.
This week was busy. I flew to San Diego early Monday morning for 3 days of business meetings. I connected through Phoenix on the way out and back and was amazed that the return trip from Phoenix to Little Rock took only 2 hrs. 5 mins. We were at 39K ft. going approx. 550 mph. I looked up from my book from time to time, to glance out the window, thinking to myself, "this is just not right". Although I do not really enjoy it, air travel is certainly fascinating.
Tomorrow is also my 2nd cousin's (he's more like a nephew) graduation from Harding University. So, up at 5:30 to finish trimming bushes, mow the front lawn, weed eat, sweep up, clean garage and be ready to hit the highway for the 45 minute trip north at around 7:30. Ahh, nothing like sitting in bleachers in the heat with strangers for 2 + hours. But, the young lad is worth every drop of sweat that will be produced in that gymnasium. Then...back to the house to help Mrs. Arkanblogger to get ready for all the little boys and girls that are coming over. After that, we plan on collapsing for a nap. Sunday will bring Church and then Mother's Day events which will include a nice picnic at an undisclosed location and more napping.
My manager presented us with copies of a book that I'm just finishing reading..."Secrets of Great Rainmakers" by Jeffery Fox. Pretty good basic information on selling tips. The only parts I really don't like are the acknowledgements in the back. He gives a quick profile of each "rainmaker" who contributed to the book and it mentions only their business accomplishments. I am very interested in a man who has managed to accumulate and manage a solid godly family, along with his business accumen. That is the man at who's feet I long to sit at and learn from.
I have been involved in learning about several things of late. Making new friends and overcoming adversity to have that friendship continue. Finding out once again that the blood of Christ is more powerful and overcomes familial blood. The Brotherhood. Patience. Just because someone wears a uniform (of faith) of a certain kind, does not equate to their holding of the knowledge that goes with the position that the uniform represents. Humility with my wife and children. I am so blessed.
-The Arkanblogger
Can it fly? That is the question. :) That must have been quite the construction project. What are the rocket's nutrition facts? :)
Happy Birthday to the youngest!
Hey Arkanbloggers! We were so inspired by your blog that we decided to make the plunge ourselves. Come over for a visit and leave a comment.
Happy Birthday to the oldest Arkenblogger daughter! Hope you guys are back on your blog soon. :)
Oh, and we have the same blog as the above comment... we just changed our name. :)
Love, Your cousins
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